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Status information for fermat

At 15:31:16 on Wednesday 26th May 2004, fermat is UP

Next planned shutdown for fermat : to be arranged

Queue information

For security reasons the user names in the following table have been obscured. It is still possible to obtain an idea of the queueing state of the machine as user-00 and user-01 are distinct users. You can, of course, keep track of your own jobs using their Jobids.

For more accurate and up to date queue information, and to see which actual users are using the systems, please log in to wren and run qs fermat.

What the column headings mean (Look for the -a option to qstat)

-------------------- Fermat SGI Origin 128 LSF ---------------         
                       __Requested_   __Current__    Time St %Cpu      
 Jobid User    Queue      Time  PEs     Time  PEs  Queued    util      
116496 user-00 nxqlsf   43200   20                  6:02  Q       cs3019
116497 user-00 nxqlsf   43200    4                  5:49  Q       cs3019
116498 user-00 nxqlsf   43200    8                  5:48  Q       cs3019
116503 user-01 nxqlsf   18750   16                  5:09  Q       csn003
116505 user-01 nxqlsf   18750   16                  5:07  Q       csn003
116506 user-01 nxqlsf   18750   16                  4:49  Q       csn003
116522 user-02 nxqlsf   36000    1                  4:10  Q       csn003
116525 user-03 nxqlsf    3600    1                  3:50  Q       csn003
116533 user-04 nxqlsf   54000    4                  2:32  Q       csn003
Group       Running      Suspended       Total                         
cs3019                               36:00   3                         
csn003                               41:37   6                         
   Total          0          0   77:37   9                  26-May-04 15:24:05
  Cpu hours queued for all users    0 high   77 normal    0 low   77 Total.
  MPP      0 PEs in use,    0 Allocated,  117 Batch                    
Rundown: Computer stopped since 12:00                                  
  Maximum PEs for Batch Work =  117                                    

Status history

Details of fermat downtime are available.

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