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CSAR Bulletins

Here is an archive of the bulletins emailed to CSAR users this year. Please click on the appropriate month to view the full bulletin.


Month Details
January A bulletin was not issued during January.
February Technical Symposium on Reconfigurable Computing with FPGAs, The 'newt15' Queue, New Course Timetable.
March A bulletin was not issued during March
April Newton Stability, A new default complier for Newton, A new naming convention for Newton Compilers, SC2005: Advance notice of service interruption
May CSAR Application Deadline Approaches, Hardware Maintenance On Newton (Tuesday 7th June 2005)
June CSAR Application Deadline Approaches
July A bulletin was not issued during July
August A bulletin was not issued during August
September LAPACK and ScaLAPACK survey, Floating point performance issues on Itanium 2 processors
October HPC-UK: A New HPC Consortium Links CCLRC, Edinburgh and Manchester, CSAR Courses
December CSAR service during Christmas, newt15 queue on Newton, NGS User Forum, User Survey 2005

Previous Years

Archives of the bulletins issued previously are also available for the following years:

2004, 2003 and 2002

Please contact the Helpdesk for access to the bulletins for 2001 and 2000.

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