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Compiler naming policy

The names of the modules will now all carry the version number, intel-compilers_8.0.046 for example, and there is only one exception: intel-compilers. This is the default compiler and is the module loaded by default, this has the same effect as loading intel-compiler_XXXXXX.

The news item Compiler_Version_History lists details of the compilers. It provides the following information:

  • All the compilers that are available.
  • The compilers that were once the default and are no longer available.
  • Compilers that are currently under evaluation.
The table looks like:
Modulefile name                 Version                                        Default
===============                 =======                                        =======

intel-compilers_7.1_044         7.1.044 Fortran, 7.1.042 C++                   09/04 - 26/04/05
intel-compilers_7.1_040         7.1.040 Fortran, 7.1.038 C++                   03/04 - 09/04 (approx)
intel-compilers_7.1.034         7.1.034 Fortran, 7.1.033 C++                   10/03 - 03/04 (approx)

intel-compilers_8.0.046         8.0.046 Fortran, 8.0.66 C++                    Never - code-specific version

intel-compilers_8.1_023         Fortran 8.1.023, C++ 8.1.024                   Current
intel-compilers_8.1_025         Fortran 8.1.025, C++ 8.1.029                    Never - under evaluation

intel-compilers_9.0beta         Beta test version                              Never

intel-compilers                 the current default, as above

(This is an EXAMPLE ONLY for illustration purposes.)

If you use the default compiler, then referring to the table above will give the actual version number, if you require this information at a later date.

All available modules can of course be listed with the module avail command.

Page maintained by This page last updated: Tuesday, 06-Sep-2005 12:11:32 BST