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Service Quality

Overview of Service Quality Tokens

CSAR Service Quality Tokens are provided as a feedback mechanism for users to express their views on any aspect of the CSAR service.

There are two colours of tokens, gold and black, ranging from "Excellent" (5 gold) to "Service Unacceptable" (5 black). All users start with the default of "No view", and are free to change their allocations at any time. Token allocations are held in the Registration Database along with other personal details.

All new allocations are seen by CSAR managers. Users allocating black marks receive a prompt response and the reasons for dissatisfaction are investigated. (For particular problems it is asked that you report them via the CSAR Helpdesk in the first instance.) If you allocate gold tokens we will of course do our very best to ensure that we maintain the high quality of service.

Allocation levels are regularly reviewed and as a measure of Service Quality for management purposes. A summary of usage and views is included in management reports available to all in our reports section. Views are attributed to projects in these reports - individual user identities are not disclosed.

Please note that an allocation of Service Quality Tokens is not a one-off event - the black marks or gold stars will remain until changed by you. However, it was agreed at the 3rd User Liaison Forum that allocations unchanged for 2 months should revert to the default 'No View' state -- for black marks this will be done after consultation with the user.

We would be very grateful if you would regularly review your own allocation - there is no limit to the number of times you may change or re-allocate tokens.

Please use your tokens in order to make this an effective mechanism for measuring and influencing Service Quality.

If you prefer you may of course provide feedback by more conventional means - see Contacts.

Allocating Service Quality Tokens

Token allocation is via the registration database, hence you need to be a registered user to allocate tokens.

  1. Go to the User Registration page click on "Register" and click on "Details about yourself", then enter your username and password in the fields and press "Login as an individual user" button.
  2. Halfway down the next page you will see a section entitled "Service Quality Tokens". By clicking on the box (which may be empty or contain one or more tokens) immediately under the heading "Token" you will be taken to another page.
  3. From this page, choose the number of gold stars or black marks to give the service. You may also add a comment.
  4. Click on "Change Token" to submit your token allocation to the system.
  5. To return to the CSAR web site, click on your web browser's "BACK" button several times.
  6. Start the allocation procedure now.

If you need further help, please contact the CSAR Helpdesk.

User Survey

Users are invited to complete a survey each December. Please click here to go to the 2005 CSAR User Survey form. We look forward to receiving your submitted reply soon. Please see the reports section for details of past results.

Page maintained by This page last updated: Tuesday, 13-Dec-2005 14:36:32 GMT