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Running on the Origins (Green, Fermat,Wren)

Standard Batch Jobs

Green and Fermat, having 512 and 128 processors respectively, do not permit interactive access and so are dedicated to running batch jobs. The processors are the same on both machines but Green has the superior interconnect, so giving the better performance. Jobs are submitted from Wren to Fermat or Green using LSF's bsub command. If you wish to specify the host, then this can be done via the -m hostname option to bsub. Otherwise, LSF will decide which machine is appropriate to run on. Options to the bsub command can be specified either via the command line or within a script.


To submit a job to Fermat requesting 64 processors and 30 minutes of run time, you could either use the following command:

wren% bsub -W 30 -o output_filename -n 64 -m fermat executable_name

or equally you could use the following script:

#BSUB -o output_filename
#BSUB -W 30
#BSUB -m fermat
#BSUB -n 64


and submit it using:

wren% bsub < script_name

where the < is essential.

Note that you must include a time limit when submitting a job. If the number of processors is not specified, it defaults to 4. If it is specified, it should be a multiple of 4 and is rounded up accordingly if necessary. If no script name is supplied then the batch request is created from standard input, terminated in the usual way by 'CONTROL-d'.

Please visit the LSF pages for further information on using bsub and LSF.

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