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Monitoring Jobs in LSF


Once the job is submitted it is very useful to be able to monitor the job so that you can see whether it is running and hen it started running. The commands on this page will help you to do that.


Use bjobs to check the status of submitted jobs. If no options are used, all jobs belonging to the user are displayed, whatever the state.

  • bjobs -r displays information about running jobs only.
  • bjobs -p displays information about jobs that are pending and gives the reasons why they are in this state.
  • bjobs -s provides information about suspended jobs and displays reasons why they are in this state.
  • bjobs -l jobid displays all the information about a job. Missing off the jobid will give a long list of information about all the user's jobs.
  • Adding -l to the options eg bjobs -lp provides more detailed information.
  • Adding the -u option followed by a username or the key word 'all' to any of the others will provide information about all users.


bhist can be used to obtain information on current jobs and recently completed jobs, type bhist -l jobid


Often you can tell that your job is not running as expected or that you submitted it with the wrong options or script in this case you will want to kill it. bkill jobid will do this for you. To force removal of a job when it cannot be killed in the operating system, type bkill -r jobid


To see the output from the job as it is running you can type bpeek jobid or simply bpeek to look at the most recently submitted job. The -f option works like the -f to tail allowing you to monitor the job as it is running by monitoring the stdout and stderr.

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