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Unified Model Version 5.3


The Unified Model version 5.5 is available on the Origins and the Altix.

The Unified Model is a large and complex numerical model used in numerical weather prediction and studies of climate change. It is developed by the Met Office and its use is restricted to researchers associated with the UGAMP (Universities Global Atmospheric Modelling Project). 5.5 is the newer, non-hydrostatic version of the model that allows users to work at much finer resolutions than they were previously able to with version 4.5.

Restrictions on Use

Only users approved by UGAMP can access the Unified Model.

Set Up Procedure

Information on setting up the environment will be supplied to approved researchers.

Running the Code

Information on running the code will be supplied to approved researchers.

Further Information

Further information can be obtained from:

  • The UGAMP Webpages Pages
  • Environmental research is funded by NERC (the National Environmental Research Council).

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